About Mohammad

Mohammad Eshtehar was born on September 20th, 1976. As a child he did not relate to society and cultural ways. He went through many difficult experiences that take people many different life times to go through. This led him to a simple request from The Source.

“For humanity to see the true self he knew was always within him, and to simply express his essence.” within weeks of this he had an awakening and realized that he is a vessel to channel the energy that accelerates the evolution and connection of human consciousness to the divine consciousness.( Source)

Sometime during your journey you have forgotten your truth that you are one with everything, pure infinite light.

Mohammad is here to guide you back to remembering this truth. You will begin an awakening to the souls true nature.

You are perfect where you are as you are guided by everything within and around you. Trusting in the natural flow of life allows you to see what is always there, your divine infinite light. 

This knowing brings you a freedom now and forever and there is no going back.

Mohammad Simply requests from his heart that for people to share his gift with anyone they can.

Infinite Love,

